Joel Katz’s Pipe Dreams

Video: Joel Katz never thought he’d take over the family business. But when his father got injured, he was there for him.

Zach Goldberger

Camping with Kevanah

Zach Goldberger, head of the Sue and Alan J. Kaufman Family Teen Mission, takes fun very seriously.

Spencer Lucker

The Perfect Stranger

Not long ago, Spencer Lucker was new in town. Now he’s at its center, rethinking how NEXTGen Detroit can welcome and meaningfully engage with other young adults.

Julie Yaker

The Connector

Julie Yaker has devoted multiple careers to building Jewish community. Her latest act, Jlive, brings that community — and those careers — together.

David Contorer

This Man is Begging you to ask Him for Money

David Contorer has taken Hebrew Free Loan to new frontiers, from fertility treatments to startups. The biggest challenge, he says, is not enough people who could benefit from HFL’s help know about it.

WP Past Presidents

A Woman of Valor Video

This month, seeing is believing why Dulcie Rosenfeld is a Woman of Valor in Jewish Detroit.