You know how it goes.
All that digital stuff we tend to collect because we can’t just trash it . . . all those old cell phones, outdated computers and laptops, VCRs and DVD players – yes, all that electronic equipment that you have just stashed away can now be put to good use when you bring it to JVS eCycle Opportunties.

Launched as a Green Initiative to create jobs and new streams of revenue, eCycle Opportunities (ECO) is a subsidiary of JVS which recycles electronics to ensure that e-waste is kept out of landfills and safely and securely recycled to protect the environment and business, personal and private data.
A win-win-win
“It’s a win-win-win,” says Leah Rosenbaum, JVS President and CEO. “eCycle Opportunities is both a great service and a great cause. Its benefits are threefold: first, it reduces harmful electronic waste in landfills; equally important, the program creates jobs for people with disabilities or other barriers to employment; and finally, it creates revenue for mission-based services. The electronics brought into ECO are dismantled and the commodities are sold. All proceeds from the program are recycled back into the community by supporting our agency’s programs to help people with disabilities lead fulfilling lives. We encourage local businesses to take part in our effort, which is also open to the public.”
Since ECO began operating in June 2015, the venture has collected nearly 400,000 pounds of e-waste from more than 1,000 consumers and organizations through public collection events and contracts with local entities that have IT assets to retire. Recently, the Taubman Company was honored with JVS’ Community Partner Award for their support of ECO. Since March 2016, ECO has handled more than 15,000 pounds of the Taubman Company’s off-network computers and other electronic equipment.
Two significant achievements have helped ECO serve larger businesses and corporations. First was a $105,000 grant from the Jewish Fund for purchase of a truck to pick-up large amounts of electronics and a baler to compact plastic parts. Second was obtaining R2/RIOS™ certification. This certification is required to do business with large corporations, such as auto manufacturers and suppliers and guarantees that electronic equipment collected is recycled using the highest standards for environmental protection, worker health and safety, data privacy and facility security.
Once the electronics are recycled and demanufactured into components at JVS, the materials are shipped to certified downstream partners, who sell the e-waste and dispose of it in an environmentally safe and responsible manner.
Drop-off at JVS
eCycle Opportunties is open for drop-off on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. or by appointment at the JVS warehouse facility located at 29699 Southfield Road in Southfield. Items are accepted in any condition or working order and include most electronics that plug in or use batteries, such as:
– Computers and electronics
– Cell phones |
– Miscellaneous office machines – PDAs and handheld games – Printers – Servers, routers and hubs – Stereo and audio components – Televisions under 48” – VCRs – Holiday lights |
Note there is a nominal fee for a few items including CRT monitors, TVs, printers and batteries.
Moving forward
“ECO’s dual sustainability mission – keeping the planet green and creating a steady stream of jobs and income to support JVS – has contributed to our early success,” says Stacey Lareau, JVS Director of New Business Development. “As companies continue to upgrade their offices and computer systems, JVS is well positioned to help them find a place to properly dispose of the material. In 2018, our goal is to collect and recycle 300,000 pounds of electronics from local consumers, school districts, businesses and organizations.”
Businesses and local organizations can receive additional information about partnering directly with eCycle Opportunities by contacting Stacey Lareau at or (248) 233-4292.