Federation’s NEXTGen Detroit is set to host EPIC, their premiere fundraising event, on March 12th, brought to the community by Alan J. and Sue Kaufman and Family. With a new venue and featured talent Bob Saget, arguably the biggest name that’s ever headlined the event, there are high hopes for this year’s annual fundraiser. And while EPIC will no doubt be a swanky night out for the anticipated 650 guests, it is always so much more than a party.
“Last year, we raised nearly $290,000 and welcomed 81 new donors to Federation’s Annual Campaign,” said Steve Migliore, NEXTGen Detroit President. “Our young adult community cares. The more we share the amazing work of the Federation and how we’re supporting the needs of the Jewish people and building a vibrant Jewish future here in Detroit, in Israel and around the world, the more our generation rises to the challenge.”

Now in its fifth year, the success of EPIC reflects a growing, thriving and passionate young Jewish Detroit. Since its start in 2012, EPIC has been an opportunity for Detroit’s young Jewish community to step out and step up with a spectacular night downtown that’s not only entertaining, but also inspiring.
“EPIC is a time to present the NEXTGen Detroit community with a powerful case for giving,” said Alana Shamban, EPIC Co-Chair. “And for the last five years, EPIC goers have done just that —they’ve given. The event has played a major role in increasing the number of NEXTGen Detroit donors by over 100% since 2012.”
Attendance and dollars raised for the Federation’s Annual Campaign at EPIC grow every year. There is no denying that the next generation of leaders and supporters are embracing their local Jewish community and their global Jewish family — and they’re putting their money where their hearts are.”

“Our family is excited to once again sponsor NEXTGen Detroit’s EPIC,” said Alan J. Kaufman. “In the last four years that we have had the privilege of being the presenting sponsor, we have seen the tremendous reach and impact that this event has had on the NEXTGen Detroit community and its emerging leaders. This year we have chosen to increase our commitment to this very important program because of the continued success we have seen year after year with both young adult engagement and the participants’ commitment to support the Detroit Jewish community. We are confident that this bright, passionate and generous generation will no doubt continue to carry on the legacy of a vibrant and thriving Jewish community in Metropolitan Detroit.”
EPIC will take place at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, making this the first year that the event will not be held at the MGM Grand Casino. NEXTGen Detroit also moved their largest event of the year, Latke Vodka, from Royal Oak to Detroit this past November.
“We’re all about shaking things up this year,” said Stefanie Tuzman, NEXTGen Detroit Director. “Two new venues for our two largest events — it’s just one way we’re embracing change and in the process bringing our attendees to wonderful, iconic locations in the City of Detroit.”

The star of the show this year will be Bob Saget, headlining the main event with an hour of standup, which he himself bills as “rated R-ish.” The NEXTGen Detroit generation knows Saget best as Danny Tanner from the long running television show Full House and as the host and man who made the many voices on America’s Funniest Home Videos. But Bob Saget the comedian is notorious for his special brand of comedy that is very much for mature audiences only.
“Bob Saget is hysterical, and we are so excited to have him as the talent at EPIC,” said Jeff Selik, EPIC Co-Chair. “With the upcoming premiere of Fuller House on Netflix, there’s a lot of buzz around Bob Saget, and we’re confident that his popularity and reputation for being an over-the-top comic will bring in a huge crowd this year.”
Guests are invited to a pre-glow reception before the main event, which will include an open bar and small bites, and to stay for dancing and a late night menu at the after party. Donors of $1,000 or more also are invited to a VIP reception complete with a meet-and-greet and photo op with Bob Saget.

“EPIC is a celebration of our generation’s commitment and investment to the future,” said Scott Mitnick, EPIC Co-Chair. “At a time when many communities in Europe and elsewhere are dealing with issues of anti-Semitism and violence, it is so powerful to see the young Jewish adults of Detroit standing up to make sure the same does not happen in our community. EPIC showcases that Metro Detroit has one of the strongest, most involved communities of young adults that are eager to carry the torch of the generations before us who built our community. It is important for everyone at EPIC and anyone thinking about coming to know that they’re not just signing up for an EPIC time with friends, food, drinks, laughs and dancing, but that every dollar raised at EPIC makes a difference in the life of a Jewish person, whether it’s here in Metro Detroit, or in Israel, or anywhere Jews are in need.”
Join Federation’s NEXTGen Detroit at EPIC on March 12th at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center. Advanced registration is required. Event details and tickets are available online at jewishdetroit.org/epic or contact Sara Aronovitz at 248-203-1485 or aronovitz@jfmd.org. Registration closes on March 4th at noon.