They come in all shapes and sizes and are made out of everything from recycled doors and repurposed shipping containers to flowing fabric and wooden planks. Sukkahs are popping up all over Metro Detroit to celebrate the festival of Sukkot. And as you can see, we have some seriously skilled sukkah builders and decorators in our community.
Show off your sukkah in our gallery! Email photos with a brief description to
The Pinson kids of West Bloomfield build a tiny (but totally kosher) sukkah.
The Pinson kids of West Bloomfield build a tiny (but totally kosher) sukkah.
The Goodwin family of Southfield has a sukkah decked out in handmade decorations by their little artist Yoni.
The Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue sets up their sukkah on the sidewalk on Griswold in Capital Park.
The Well decided to build its inaugural Sukkah out of reclaimed doors from the City of Detroit, and to decorate it in tribute to the Heidelberg Project!
“We love Sukkot, I made Star of David garland out of my grandmother’s extensive collection of saved cards and tributes from Jewish holidays from decades past. It feels like having her near when I’m in there.” — The Bass Family of West Bloomfield
“We love Sukkot, I made Star of David garland out of my grandmother’s extensive collection of saved cards and tributes from Jewish holidays from decades past. It feels like having her near when I’m in there.” — The Bass Family of West Bloomfield
Chabad of Greater Downtown Detroit shares its shipping container sukkah for the second year in a row with the city.
Chabad of Greater Downtown Detroit shares its shipping container sukkah for the second year in a row with the city.
“My sukkah is decorated with art created by my religious school students and my children over the years.” —Stacy Gittleman of West Bloomfield
“Here is my sukkah at my Farmington hills home. I have the sukkah for the my family and the Levin family. I host a sit down dinner for about 50 people on the first 2 nights of Succot. This is my 7th year hosting. My husband, Steve Teper designed the sukkah himself.” — Jennifer Teper
Samantha Lederman, of Berkley, has big fun in her little sukkah with friends and family.
Gail Greenberg and Jeff Lasday lead the sukkah building and decorating at the Jewish Federation.
Hebrew schools students at The Shul in West Bloomfield enjoy the weather and their wonderful sukkah.
Hebrew schools students at The Shul in West Bloomfield enjoy the weather and their wonderful sukkah.
Hebrew schools students at The Shul in West Bloomfield enjoy the weather and their wonderful sukkah.
Students at Akiva High School participating in the School Sukkah Building Contest.
Students at Akiva High School participating in the School Sukkah Building Contest.
Students at Akiva High School participating in the School Sukkah Building Contest.
Students at Akiva High School participating in the School Sukkah Building Contest.
Students at Frankel Jewish Academy decorate their school’s sukkah.
Students at Frankel Jewish Academy decorate their school’s sukkah.
Students at Frankel Jewish Academy decorate their school’s sukkah.
For the third year in a row, the Rosenzweig family of West Bloomfield has made their sukkah out of reclaimed doors.
For the third year in a row, the Rosenzweig family of West Bloomfield has made their sukkah out of reclaimed doors.
The sukkah at Jewish Family Service comes courtesy of donated materials from The Home Depot and the artistic contributions of our Because We Care participants.
Jacob Gussin and Chelsea Rosenbaum help decorate the sukkah at Jewish Family Service.
Kadie Hollander helps decorate the Jewish Family Service sukkah.
Jewish Family Service’s new approach to a sukkah chain decoration.
The sukkah at Jewish Family Service comes courtesy of donated materials from The Home Depot and the artistic contributions of our Because We Care participants.
At Jewish Family Service, 15 b’nai mitzvah students spent an afternoon bling-ing out pumpkins, painting canvases of the Seven Species and stringing cut up pool noodles for a twist on the quintessential chain link.
The Lasday family’s sukkah in West Bloomfield.
Volunteers help build and decorate sukkahs at homes throughout the community for JARC’s Annual Sukkah Assembly.
Volunteers help build and decorate sukkahs at homes throughout the community for JARC’s Annual Sukkah Assembly.
Volunteers help build and decorate sukkahs at homes throughout the community for JARC’s Annual Sukkah Assembly.
Volunteers help build and decorate sukkahs at homes throughout the community for JARC’s Annual Sukkah Assembly.
Volunteers help build and decorate sukkahs at homes throughout the community for JARC’s Annual Sukkah Assembly.
Volunteers help build and decorate sukkahs at homes throughout the community for JARC’s Annual Sukkah Assembly.
Volunteers help build and decorate sukkahs at homes throughout the community for JARC’s Annual Sukkah Assembly.
Volunteers help build and decorate sukkahs at homes throughout the community for JARC’s Annual Sukkah Assembly.
Volunteers help build and decorate sukkahs at homes throughout the community for JARC’s Annual Sukkah Assembly.
Volunteers help build and decorate sukkahs at homes throughout the community for JARC’s Annual Sukkah Assembly.
Volunteers help build and decorate sukkahs at homes throughout the community for JARC’s Annual Sukkah Assembly.
Volunteers help build and decorate sukkahs at homes throughout the community for JARC’s Annual Sukkah Assembly.
Volunteers help build and decorate sukkahs at homes throughout the community for JARC’s Annual Sukkah Assembly.
Volunteers help build and decorate sukkahs at homes throughout the community for JARC’s Annual Sukkah Assembly.
Rabbi Simcha Tolwin of Aish Detroit with the lulav and etrog in the Sukkah.
Aish Sunday School shaking lulav and etrog.
The Kannon Family of Ferndale makes their sukkah out of PVC and tabbed fabric panels.
The Kannon Family of Ferndale makes their sukkah out of PVC and tabbed fabric panels.
The Kannon Family of Ferndale makes their sukkah out of PVC and tabbed fabric panels.
On this FedRadioDetroit podcast recorded just after the November 2022 midterm elections, we sit down with Former Michigan State Senator Gilda Jacobs, a pioneer of politics, policy and… patience.