February 1, 2017
An EPIC Unlike Any Other
Vivian Henoch, Editor myJewishDetroit
NEXTGen Detroit’s Annual Fundraiser is Rolling Out the Red Carpet
NEXTGen Detroit’s Annual Fundraiser is Rolling Out the Red Carpet
The annual Detroiters in Israel Thanksgiving dinner has become a tradition for young adults living abroad.
A re-imagined job fair for young expats is coming to Detroit – just in time for Thanksgiving weekend.
Not everyone likes a place in the spotlight. For their volunteer roles and impressive work on behalf of the Jewish community, Jonathan and Stacy Schwartz have been refreshingly hesitant to take the kudos. “Let me begin by saying that we’ve never done anything like this interview,” says Jonathan, “But we want to raise awareness in the community about Federation’s NEXTGen outreach to interfaith couples and to the Jewish LGBTQ community.” Theirs is a story that needs to be told.
Who has access to fresh, healthy food? Who doesn’t? Where does our food come from? Who is growing it? Processing it? What’s in it? Why do some people have an… Continue reading 4th Annual “Do it for Detroit” Grant Competition to Focus on Food Justice
With a change of scenery and the biggest headlining act to date, NEXTGen Detroit’s EPIC, sponsored by Sue & Alan Jay Kaufman and family, was all about breaking the mold this year.
Meet Sarah and Benji Rosenzweig, celebrating 10 years of friendship, love and marriage, deep commitments to the Jewish community and daughters, Na’amah and Ellah.
Find your spot. Take a spin around a photo essay showcasing “The Z” lot, featuring 30-some Jewish Detroiters making their mark in the D.
Meet Lauren and Jordan Acker, married 3 years, now a jFamily with baby Jenna on board. U of M alumni, proud to be Detroiters, building careers in education, law and community service.
Forget the cigars. For 12 Detroiters, Cuba’s vibrant Jewish community will forever be what they remember about their trip.