Jay Kaplan

A Commitment to Justice

In FedRadio Detroit’s 8th episode, Sam Dubin and Beverly Liss welcome ACLU attorney Jay Kaplan. ACLU Michigan is one of only four states with stand-alone LGBTQ legal service projects focusing specifically on issues in their own states.

Sam Dubin

Advocate for Inclusivity

Director of Sales and Marketing and fourth generation Dubin at Dubin Cleaners & Laundry, NEXTGen Detroit Board member, former Central Michigan Hillel President, veteran volunteer and lay leader extraordinaire, most recently and notably Chair of NEXTGen Detroit Pride.


First-Timers on an Interfaith Mission

Not everyone likes a place in the spotlight. For their volunteer roles and impressive work on behalf of the Jewish community, Jonathan and Stacy Schwartz have been refreshingly hesitant to take the kudos. “Let me begin by saying that we’ve never done anything like this interview,” says Jonathan, “But we want to raise awareness in the community about Federation’s NEXTGen outreach to interfaith couples and to the Jewish LGBTQ community.” Theirs is a story that needs to be told.