
Making Israel Real

With her compassion and wisdom, schlichah Lior Zisser-Yogev has been a light for our community during a dark time.

2022 Shinshiniot

Who Are Detroit’s Shinshiniot?

Meet the young emissaries in your neighborhood, connecting people of all ages to Israel and Israeli culture.

Thank You Detroit

Looking back on everything I’ve done, and all of the remarkable people who have touched my heart, I feel so proud and fulfilled. It might not have been a full year but it will definitely stay with me for years to come.

The Schlichim Are In the Hood.

The Schlichim Are In the Hood.

4 special Israelis. 365 days in Detroit.
Left to Right: Yuval Weiss-Izhaki, Alon Lachman, Noa Sabag, Tamar Schnitzer

From Israel with Love

Talk about her credentials! Nina Yahalomi Klevitsky, 32, couldn’t be better prepared for the road ahead as Detroit’s new emissary (shlicha) from Israel. Easily she could have settled into any one of her career paths and stayed: a high school English teacher; a medic and captain in the IDF reserves; Director of the National Child at Risk program in Tel Aviv. Following her heart to a future in service to Israel, she’s taken the next step: moving here and joining the family of Federation.