
From Israel with Love

They’re here! Meet Detroit’s 2021-22 Shinshinim.

A Real Change Maker

The heart behind Tamarack Camp’s CAMPaign for Change.

A Star in Public and in Private

On this episode of FedRadioDetroit, co-hosts Sam Dubin and Beverly Liss welcome the iconic Florine Mark into the (virtual) studio to talk about her career as a successful businesswoman and a lifetime of helping others.

Igniting the Fire Within Us All

Be prepared to be inspired. Rabbi Yisrael Pinson, Executive Director of Chabad of Greater Downtown Detroit (also known as Chabad in the D) and Founder and Board Director of the Orchard Academy, a nonreligious public charter school opening in Detroit this fall, is our guest.

Fun in the Sun

Fun in the Sun Photo Gallery

The heat is on to make the most of summer. Check out these good times from times past courtesy of the Leonard N. Simons Jewish Community Archives.