Igniting the Fire Within Us All
Be prepared to be inspired. Rabbi Yisrael Pinson, Executive Director of Chabad of Greater Downtown Detroit (also known as Chabad in the D) and Founder and Board Director of the Orchard Academy, a nonreligious public charter school opening in Detroit this fall, is our guest.
By Jewish Federation of Metro Detroit
July 12, 2021
If you’re involved in the Metro-Detroit Jewish community, chances are you’ve met Rabbi Yisrael Pinson, or at least know the name. Tireless in his devotion to helping others, Rabbi Pinson talks with Sam Dubin and Beverly Liss about how Chabad in the D helps people ignite their passion for being a better person and executing their mission and purpose on earth, the trials and triumphs of opening a brand new, tuition-free charter school in Detroit, along with other enlightening matters of the heart and mind.

Mazel tov to this month’s Mitzvah Maker: Jonathan Schwartz!
Mitzvah Maker is the segment of the show where we honor an unsung hero in our community.
As both a thinker and a doer, including co-founder of the Jewish Bar Association of Michigan and Chair of both the Detroit and National Boards of Humble Design, the one thing Jonathan Schwartz couldn’t do when the pandemic hit Metro-Detroit was wait to help. So, on the very first day news of COVID cases in Michigan broke, he was on the phone helping to arrange the shipment of 1.25 million (with an “m”) PPE facemasks to our area. But that’s just one example of this Mitzvah Maker’s outlook on life. As you’ll hear, Johnathan is of humble design himself. Preferring to point out that the real heroes of this story were the frontline workers themselves.
Do you know someone who is deserving of this honor? Nominate them here.
FedRadioDetroit is Federation’s podcast series hosted by Sam Dubin and Beverly Liss and featuring big personalities from Jewish Detroit’s diverse cast of characters.
Explore previous episodes and stay tuned for a new episode next month here.