Jlive is your one-stop hub for all the great events going on in Jewish Detroit. Discovery, classes, celebrations and more… there’s always something for everyone. Visit the Jlive site to see more!

Play & Pray Pride Shabbat | June 17
Meet your friends at our fun-filled petting zoo, make crafts, enjoy a delicious picnic dinner and stay for our family-friendly musical, Pride Shabbat! We can’t wait to celebrate with you.

Rabbi Irwin Groner Memorial Lecture | June 23
With special thanks to the family of A. Alfred Taubman, Congregation Shaarey Zedek welcomes Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove, PhD, head rabbi at Park Avenue Synagogue.
Rabbi Cosgrove will be speaking on Not Your Mother’s Judaism. This event includes free admission and is open to the community.

Chalking and Bedtime Stories with Jewish Senior Life | June 29
JFamily is excited to share Pop Ups With A Purpose!
These Pop Ups will provide children and families ages 3-9 with opportunities to engage in social action. Each Pop Up will correspond to a Jewish value and/or theme from a PJ Library book.
Join us at the Jewish Senior Life Prentis Apartments in Oak Park, where we will chalk the walkways for the residents and enjoy some “bedtime stories” with honorary Bubbies and Zaydies who reside at the apartment.

People Love Dead Jews: An In-Depth Discussion | July 6 – July 20
One of the most popular books of the past year has been Dara Horn’s People Love Dead Jews. Her writings, based on Jewish history, culture and antisemitism are explored as we attempt to explain why the world seems to love dead Jews. Take this opportunity to dive deeply into the meaning and implications of her essays in an interactive setting. Each week we will study four chapters of this important work. Every chapter is unique, so if you miss a week, you can fully participate in the following week’s discussion.
Tuition: $55

Federation’s Remix | July 19
Rev up this summer at our throw-back, laid-back, outdoor concert featuring live music from Your Generation! These guys can and will play all our favorites — from the songs we got down to on the bar/bat mitzvah dance floors of our youth, to what we jam out to in the carpool line today and everything in between. Throw on a treasured concert tee and come casual and ready to rock for this adults-only evening out. There’ll be fabulous food, an open bar and surprises in store. All the fun of seeing your favorite bands in high school, but with no curfew!
This event is intended for Gen Xers.
General Admission is $50 per person and includes food, drinks and on-site parking. Online registration closes Monday, July 18 at noon.