Richard and Sally Krugel

Honored Community Leaders

Meet Dr. Richard and Sally Krugel, celebrating 50 years of marriage. Lifelong activists, partners in extraordinary community service. Frequent fliers to Israel. Gracious hosts to new Detroiters. Joyous grandparents of six.

Rolling Up Our Sleeves

Rolling Up Our Sleeves

Doing what it does best — raising awareness, raising funds, responding to urgent needs in the community and mobilizing volunteers — the Detroit Jewish Federation has called for help in the wake of The Great Flood of 2014.



Over lunch and a quick Google search, the idea sparked: Why not start a Jewish Bar Association of Michigan. Where’s there’s a need, there’s a way.

Yad Ezra

Yad Ezra

Yad Ezra. The words are Hebrew and mean, “helping hand.” You might add, “loving kindness.”

Repair the World Fellows

Good Fellows

They’ve been “Fellows” for nearly a year, and more than likely they’ve become Detroit’s friends for life.

Treger Strasberg

Humble Designer

Meet Treger Strasberg, 36, Californian turned Detroiter, social entrepreneur, fundraiser, change agent, co-founder and CEO of Humble Design, insomniac, fueled on optimism and caffeine

Teen Philanthropy

Teen Philanthropy

The Jewish Fund’s Teen Board initiative is a youth-led program where students are empowered as grantmakers.

Richard Bachmann

From Leipzig to Jewish Detroit

A visit to the Holocaust Center with Richard Bachmann, an extraordinary volunteer

Peer Corps

PeerCorps Detroit Works

Teens discover meaningful volunteer opportunities in niche program planting seeds of friendship beyond the burbs.

Max Granitz

Opening the Doors

A model program gains a national endorsement – and a thumbs-up from Max Granitz