Jason and Hope Brown

Strategic Matchmakers

They met at a local PR firm tying ribbons on invitations. Three years later they tied the knot. Married now for 15 years, they are Founder and Principals of their own company, PublicCity PR. If ever you wonder how married couples in business stay together, ask Hope and Jason Brown. Describing their marriage as “not perfect, but close,” they could write the book on building a family business all about community relations in Jewish Detroit.

Beyond Fresh Air & Sunshine

On June 19, 2016, the Tamarack legacy will come to life in the Clara and Irvin Charach Tamarack Museum located on Tamarack campgrounds, inside the main building of the Smoklerville Pioneer Village.


Why Hazon, Why Now?

As all nonprofits grow by the grace and trust of many, Hazon – a uniquely Jewish eco-conscious community – is starting to take root in Detroit.

Nati Faber

Honored Student: Defining Young Leadership

His teachers describe him as an exemplary student, a natural leader, a consensus builder and a role model. His favorite subjects in school? Biology, Calculus and Talmud. This is Nathaniel Faber – “Nati” as his friends and family call him – a senior at Akiva and the recipient of the 2015 David Hermelin Scholarship Award.

Stefanie and Jon Tuzman

Imported from Detroit

Meet Stefanie Tuzman, NEXTGen Detroit’s new Director, native Detroiter back from Las Vegas, seasoned Federation pro, BBYO alum, Coney Island die-hard, thrilled to be home and ready to be a part of Detroit’s future.