What’s Newish in Detroit?

If bike lanes, food trucks, pop-up retailers, hipster coffee houses and designer watches made in Detroit are an indication of the vitality of people living, working and moving back to the city, then take heart.

How Is This Night Different?

Beyond the Four Questions and Chad Gadya, every family brings to the table something special and uniquely theirs for Passover.

New York Bagel Man

New York Bagel Man

Ever wonder where bagels come from?



Stranger things have happened in our kitchens, but the stars have aligned to create a fusion of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah menus.

To be young, Jewish and green

To Be Young, Jewish and Green

A roundtable conversation at Detroit Farm and Garden with Rachel Klegon, Jeff Klein, Blair Nosan, Eitan Sussman.

Pass the Matzah, please

Pass the Matzah, Please

Pass over the matzah? Heaven forbid. Hardly the bread of affliction. As we know from family recipes, matzah makes the Passover meal.

What's Brewing in the D

What’s Brewing in the D

Detroit’s indie coffee trade appears to be growing steadily and gathering steam.

Stacy Goldberg

Savoring Every Bite

Meet Stacy Goldberg,36, RN and nutrition expert. Entrepreneur, Founder and CEO at Savorfull. Committed curator and purveyor of healthy and allergy-free food.

Honey Cake

Fast Break

May it be a good year. May it be a sweet new year. May you be inscribed in the Book of Life. These are the traditional blessings of Rosh Hashanah.