Brightmoor's China and Blake

As Gardens Grow in Brightmoor

From the Max M. Fisher Federation Building on Telegraph in Bloomfield Hills, it’s a straight shot, just eighteen minutes down the road, a Michigan left turn to Fenkell, then right onto Grayfield Street.



Over lunch and a quick Google search, the idea sparked: Why not start a Jewish Bar Association of Michigan. Where’s there’s a need, there’s a way.

Yad Ezra

Yad Ezra

Yad Ezra. The words are Hebrew and mean, “helping hand.” You might add, “loving kindness.”

To Be or Not to be In Detroit

Next for Michigan College Students

The event was a first – organized primarily for Jewish college students on the cusp of graduation, making those first critical choices – to stay in Michigan – to come to Detroit – or to chose otherwise in pursuit of opportunities elsewhere.

What’s Newish in Detroit?

If bike lanes, food trucks, pop-up retailers, hipster coffee houses and designer watches made in Detroit are an indication of the vitality of people living, working and moving back to the city, then take heart.


Polishing Networking Skills

It’s a seductive mix, alright. Where urban chic meets Detroit chutzpah.

Women Lighting the Way

Mary Kramer from Crain’s Detroit with Faye Alexander Nelson, Cindy Pasky, Laura J. Trudeau and Jackie Victor

Teen Philanthropy

Teen Philanthropy

The Jewish Fund’s Teen Board initiative is a youth-led program where students are empowered as grantmakers.

Saving Family Treasures

It’s that time of year again, when the snow (slowly!) begins to thaw, and we venture into basements, closets and drawers on a spring cleaning binge.