Anyone You Know?
Take a look at our past. Can you identify the time and place these photos were taken? What memories bring a smile to your face? How many people on this page do you know by name? Share your answers and comments below.
The year was 1991.
These four “thirtysomethings” were the recipients of Jewish Detroit’s Young Leadership Award. Recognize their faces?

The year was 1986.
Why are these people jumping for joy and where are they going? How many members of Federation’s Young Adult Division (YAD) Board can you name?

The year was 1982.
Paisley skirts and leather boots were the style. Chorus Line had been playing on Broadway for five years. This photo was taken at the Jewish Community Center in Oak Park in celebration of Federation’s Women’s Institute. Recognize anyone?

The year was 1977.
Jewish Federation raised $16,482,711 in its Annual Campaign, thanks in part to intrepid leaders and animated callers in the Junior Division Telethon. Fun times. See anyone you know on the phone? (Where are the phones?)