Vladimir Gendelman

How to Succeed

Born and raised in the former Soviet Union, Vladimir immigrated to the U.S. with his parents when he was 16 years old. With less than $500 to their name, his family made their way to Detroit. From humble starts and stumbles, with hard work at every turn, Vladimir continues to grow at the helm of a company considered to be the standard bearer in the e-commerce sphere of the print industry.

Jason and Hope Brown

Strategic Matchmakers

They met at a local PR firm tying ribbons on invitations. Three years later they tied the knot. Married now for 15 years, they are Founder and Principals of their own company, PublicCity PR. If ever you wonder how married couples in business stay together, ask Hope and Jason Brown. Describing their marriage as “not perfect, but close,” they could write the book on building a family business all about community relations in Jewish Detroit.

Dani Gilman and Ben Chutz

In It Together

“Autism can be a beautiful mess.” These are fighting words for parents, families and friends caring for children with a spectrum disorder where every child has unique capabilities. They say autism is also a gift, and this is where Dani Gillman and Ben Chutz begin the story of their journey together.